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     Being an AdVENTURE s.t.e.m. student isn't like being a regular stuendent, you do a lot of different things then other students do which isn't a bad thing it can be very fun. Being an adventure student means that you have to be creative and you have the luxury of getting projects instead of big tests, uses computures, and working in groups. These is very benifical you learn life skills you just don't learn in regular classrooms, they prepare you for your future it is even a standard that all the school will attend a four year collage. AdVENTURE provides all the tools for your learning, any student is truely lucky to to have such a great opportunity. I have had the privilege to go to AdVENTURE for the last three years and it definatelly is a new expirence. As I said before we do a lot of project this allows us to learn a lot about one topic while also having fun so you don't even realize it. I remember in sixth grade I felt I had so much fun in class I didn't even think I learn anything until my star test results came back and I got a really high score. This proves how much more you learn at AdVENTURE you learn more than any regular school and faster. 

For more about being an AdVENTURE student vist my blog: Lauren A's ScientificThinking



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