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            During math this year we did quite a few of projects and one that showed my best work was the Math Video Challenge. We had to get into a group of four then make a video that answers a math related question in a cleaver way. For example, you tie it in to an everyday active like playing a sport, getting food, and maybe even watching T.V. This showcases AdVENTURE unique way a learning. AdVENTURE is about offering kids a different way of learning by giving them different options to put their learning to the test. This is showcased here becasuse instead of taking a end of unit test we do a project that allows us to be creative and use our 21st century skills.


            During this project I was able to gained some 21st century skills, for example, I learned how to make a video and how edit it. Also, this shows my abilty to translate a math question to real life siutations. This is an important skill to have because it teaches me that math is important becasue I may need in my everyday life. This is aanother things AdVENTURE teaches students just by giving us project instead of test. There are many benifits to giving students lots of projects in stead of test, these are just a few.

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